Replacing the certificate+key-files with a matching pair also fixed the issue for me. openssl.exe pkcs12 -in client.p12 -nocerts -out privateKey.pem with PEM passwd. * unable to set private key file: 'cert.pem' type PEM * Closing connection #0 curl: (58) unable to set private key file: 'cert.pem' type PEM 4) So then i tried to put the CA certificate, Client Certificate and Private Key in separate files: openssl pkcs12 -in MULTICERT.p12 -out ca.pem -cacerts -nokeys Hi, I am having exactly same issue: NetworkManager-openvpn- If I do manualy sudo openvpn connection.vpn I do get connected with the same certificate. Path 'pfx'.'." According to the documentation: The authentication type to use for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client certificates. Can we get a sosreport of ctrl-prod-0 and undercloud and the full deploy commandline + env files used? To make things "simple" for deployment, the certificate and the private key are often bundled together in one PKCS #12 file (e.g. If there's a password on the key you'll be prompted for it: curl --key crypto/jayjwa-key.pem --cert crypto/jayjwa-crt.pem -O -v curl: (58) unable to set private key file: 'server.key' type PEM Google kept sending me to this StackOverflow page which is correct, but was not the issue that I was having. Search for a file that starts with a line containing: BEGIN PRIVATE KEY. PSD2 Certificates. This article describes a behavior that may occur when you try to import an SSL private key certificate (.pfx) file into the local computer personal certificate store. When you delete a certificate on a computer that is running IIS, the private key is not deleted. I regenerated the server keys without an issue but the client ones are giving me problems. Went through the process normally and it generates a .csr and a .key file for my client but no .crt file. ... DigiCert Verified Mark Certificates (VMC) for BIMI. Dive into the Power Platform stack with hands-on sessions and labs, virtually delivered to you by experts and community leaders. Assign the existing private key to a new certificate. You should check the .key file encoding. Please check the authentication certificate password is correct and try again,please let me know if your problem could be solved. There is an error message, see the log: 2020-05-22T04:20:51|  No errors detected in backup---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Open firewall: 2020-05-22T04:20:54|  Opening port 25 for SMTPout-25 service...unable to load client certificate private key file793603765928:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:697:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEYsh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipesh: write error: Broken pipe2020-05-22T04:21:11|  Firewall rule SMTPout-25 closed.2020-05-22T04:21:11|  Backup finished2020-05-22T04:21:11|  Tip: no chained backups scheduled, set --on-success and/or --on-error arguments to chain a backup. While self-signed certificates are supported, self-signed certificates for SSL aren't supported. - after a freh installation of 11.2.8 the key files where not there, they has been created after the first backup job ran (but did not work either)- the smtp server is using a generally trusted wildcard certificate of Certum CA. . This is the full command prompt process. I backed up the same files in the root-directory of 11.2.8 and took over the files from the previous version 11.0.1. Could you please share a screenshot of the configuration of your flow? -GabrielFlow Community Manager. Everything worked fine for many months, but after an update from vmWare ESXi 6.5 Update 2 to Update 3 the command above did not work anymore. I'm trying to call a REST API which requires the use of a Client Certificate to authenticate using the http action. This makes an unusable key: cat client.crt client.key > cert_key.pem; import the result into slot 9c in the manager myname.pfx). I am facing the same issue. Open the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). > -CAfile Steve. The approach of Base64 encoding the contents of the pfx file works (if you're using a certificate signed by a trusted CA) Discard them and let XSIBackup generate new keys. Please check the authentication certificate password is correct and try again.". Unexpected token: StartObject. . I tried placing both key and cert in one file and using --cert , and using separate files and sending --cert and --key . To load a certificate file in a Windows .NET app, load the current user profile with the following command in the Cloud Shell:. 3. XSIBACKUP-FREE 11.0.1************************. the output from a "OneDrive get file content" action), use the base64 function to wrap the body of the file's contents... like this. If you need to obtain the Private Key to install your Certificate on a different server, you can export the key in a password protected PFX (PKCS#12) file. If yes, and you find that solution to be satisfactory, please go ahead and click “Accept as Solution” so that this thread will be marked for other users to easily identify! In the post referenced above, the "Administrator" wrote: > For those of you experiencing problems, please do make sure that you are not trying to use some older generated keys. unable to load private key 24952:error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line:crypto\pem\pem_lib.c:745:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY. Description of problem: When creating private keys using `openssl req -newkey` utility, the resulting private key file is base64 encoded, encrypted PKCS#8 file, with header: -----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- curl is unable to load such private keys. "do they have to be different? unable to load client certificate private key file. and when you say "public key". Check out Daniel Laskewitz's session from the 2020 Power Platform Community Conference on demand! A TLS client is usually used without a certificate and therefore s_client does not expect one. 2. Went through the process a few times with the same results. When you import your Certificate via MMC or IIS, the Private Key is bound to it automatically if the CSR/Key pair has been generated on the same server. Each mailmaster configures his server at will, we have no control on that neither can keep different certificates to try to match what is on the other end. The error message indicates to me that the action is not able to load and use the certificate/password correctly. You're putting it in the option for > client authentication via certificate. # ls -ltrah *rsa*-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         408 Oct 19  2018    1 root     root        1.6K Oct 19  2018 xsibackup_id_rsa-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         408 May 21 15:05    1 root     root        1.8K May 21 15:05 old.xsibackup_id_rsa-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         426 May 25 03:47 old.xsibackup_id_rsa.pem-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         426 May 26 03:58 xsibackup_id_rsa.pem. Code: Select all client ;dev tap dev tun ;dev-node MyTap ;proto tcp proto udp remote ;remote my-server-2 1194 ;remote-random resolv-retry infinite nobind ;user nobody ;group nobody persist-key persist-tun ;http-proxy-retry # retry on connection failures ;http-proxy [proxy server] [proxy port #] ;mute-replay-warnings ca "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\OpenVPN\\config\\ca.crt" … Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. After that you can discard it. This article assumes that you have the matching certificate file backed up as a PKCS#7 file, a .cer file, or a .crt file. Power Platform and Dynamics 365 Integrations, The approach of Base64 encoding the contents of the pfx file works (if you're using a certificate signed by a trusted CA), make sure you don't have any trailing newline characters when you copy the Base64 string. Could you please share more details abou the issue that you meet? unable to load client certificate private key file 793603765928:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:697:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY sh: write error: Broken pipe sh: write error: Broken pipe sh: write error: Broken pipe sh: write error: Broken pipe sh: write error: Broken pipe sh: write error: Broken pipe Is this resolved? On Mon, Jun 12, 2006, Kyle Hamilton wrote: > The server has supplied you with the certificate to its CA, which > includes the CA's public key. Carry out the following steps: open the .key file with Visual Studio Code or Notepad++ and verify that the .key file has UTF-8 encoding. The simplest thing to do is to use some GMail account if you don't want to bother working that kind of troubles around. Check out the community blog page where you can find valuable learning material from community and product team members! To … In our case it was the opposite way around, the freshly generated keys didn't work - we had to use the old/previous ones from version 11.0.1. a literal public key? If so, how did you generate the certificate you are using? Your certificate will be located in the Personal or Web Serverfolder. Upload Certificate File: select the certificate file from disk; Password: If you are uploading a password protected certificate file, provide that password here. On Windows servers, the OS manages the certificate for you in a hidden file, but you can export a .PFX file that contains both the certificate and the private key. I'm base64 encoding the pfx file and are supplying the corresponding password but the flow fails with the error message: "Could not load the certificate private key. -> curl: (58) unable to set private key file: 'client.pem' type PEM I think it's generally easier to do 'curl --key my-key.pem --cert my-cert.pem -v'. This pem file contains 2 sections certificates, one start with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- and another one start with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- 5 Specify PEM in haproxy config Thank you for being an active member of the Flow Community! certificate and key is not going to be used in client, only PSK will be used then why s_server need certificate ? I ran a fresh backup job and oh wow, the mail report has been sent again. It seemed like base64 decoding did not work well. I also had this issue today and the issue was caused, because the referenced certificate and the private key file do not belong to each other (copy-paste error). In the root-directory of 11.0.1 i found those files, -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         408 Oct 19  2018    1 root     root        1.6K Oct 19  2018 xsibackup_id_rsa-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         426 Oct 19  2018 xsibackup_id_rsa.pem. Click Create. I've updated to the latest version then (11.2.8). Let's import it into slot 9c. az webapp config appsettings set --name --resource-group --settings WEBSITE_LOAD_USER_PROFILE=1 In the Console Root, expand Certificates (Local Computer). Unless the SSL connector on Tomcat is configured in APR style, the private key is usually stored in a password-protected Java keystore file (.jks or.keystore), which was created prior to the CSR. I use the same command as above, backup is working again, but sending the mailreport does not work. I've generated these client Certificate & private key file using following commands. (c)XSIBackup-Pro uses the latest standards. TLS/SSL Certificates TLS/SSL Certificates Overview. If you still want to dedicate time to solve that, read this post. When i do that, i see an error " Unable to process template language expressions in action 'HTTP' inputs at line '1' and column '2850': 'Error reading string. ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core on Windows must access the certificate store even if you load a certificate from a file. Create and example client certificate and private key 1. cat >config directories.tokendir = db objectstore.backend = file 2. export SOFTHSM2_CONF=config 3. mkdir db 4. softhsm2-util --init-token --slot 0 --label test --so-pin 1234 --pin 1234 5. p11tool --provider /usr/lib64/pkcs11/ --write --load-certificate cert.pem --label test --login 6. p11tool --provider /usr/lib64/pkcs11/ - … are you meaning that literally? The approach of loading the pfx file in a previous action also works, but you still need to Base64 encode that output! XSIBACKUP-FREE 11.2.8************************. Have anyone gotting this authentication mechanism to work properly? There are different formats for the certificates. (I don't > use s_client enough to know for sure.) ./xsibackup: line 490: syntax error: unexpected "&". Have you had an opportunity to apply @ozawako1‘s recommendation to adapt your Flow?, I had a backup of the previous installation folder of verison 11.0.1. If it is one or more trusted CAs in PEM format (only PEM will do) then you should use the -CAfile option instead. Note. 1. Error: "unable to load client certificate private key file". ----- And verified both these cert & pvt key files with following commands. Of course, PKCS #12 offers much more, and Wikipedia gives a good overview over its features. The simplest solution is to use a different SMTP server. certificate that has the public key for protection of SAML protocol messages. Thanks, Michele Comment 6 Patrizio Bassi 2019-05-15 09:48:16 UTC Locate and right click the certificate, click Exportand follow the guided wizard. line:pem_lib.c:644:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY. > > I believe the option is -cacert, but I'm not quite certain. Power Platform Integration - Better Together! so in the pfx field of the HTTP Action, instead of just putting "File content" (i.e. Solution. Could not load the certificate private key. I'm using the same certificate to access the api server programatically with no issues. I've found a couple things that may help anyone reading this thread. Let's have three keys files: 2048-bit private key, client certificate and CA certificate client.key, client.crt a ca.crt. If "trusted.cer" is a client certificate you need to include the private key. 9613:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start. Secure Email Certificates (S/MIME) Document Signing Certificates. Otherwise, leave it blank. The error message told that the flow could not load the certificate private key. the documentation suggestions a private key that the sp maintains and checks the encrypted message returned from the IDP. Hello, @sveinhansen! A TLS server is usually used with a certificate and therefore s_server expects one by default (and has a default path where it expects it). I used this command line to generate backups: # ./xsibackup --backup-point=/vmfs/volumes/datastoreNFS --backup-type=running --smtp-port=25 --smtp-usr=notify --smtp-pwd=xxxxxxxx --smtp-sec=TLS --backup-room=2048 --date-dir=yes --exec=yes. Code Signing Certificates. I have been unable to find information pertaining to this error message. Learn what a private key is, and how to locate yours using common operating systems. Once the certificate file is successfully imported, key vault will remove that password. on the OpenSSL site, and Google is somewhat unhelpful since I am running. CSR (certificate signing request) is required only when you ask to sign the certificate. Once you have the .pfx file, you can keep it as a backup of the key, or use it to install the … openssl.exe pkcs12 -in client.p12 -nokeys -out clientCert.pem That client.p12 works well with the browser. Please take a try to use base-64 encoding the certificate string refer to link below: Just putting `` file content '' ( i.e job and oh wow, the key. Computer ) material from community and product team members s_client enough to know for sure. in client, PSK. Is working again, but you still need to base64 encode that output please share more abou... Work properly documentation: the authentication certificate password is correct and try,! And use the same command as above, backup is working again, please let me know if your could. 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