Urine of an abnormal color appears different from the usual straw-yellow color. Linda Crampton is a writer and teacher with a first-class honors degree in biology. But if the color is a bright orange, it may indicate an infection. This form of the disorder is said to be acquired and is more common than the inherited condition. In this system, blood travels through vessels during only part of its journey around the body. In the RGB color model #8a0303 is comprised of 54.12% red, 1.18% green and 1.18% blue. Insects are arthropods with pale yellow, pale green, or colorless hemolymph. Like hemoglobin, hemocyanin transports oxygen and is a protein that contains a metal. Hemoglobin contains iron. Bright pink blood. Understanding the meaning of the blood test results is essential if you want to know the exact nature of your illness. A doctor would likely perform other tests to diagnose the cause of a colour change and not rely entirely on the liquid’s appearance. However, scientists don't know whether vanabins actually transport oxygen in a sea cucumber's body. Thank you for your amazing article! Some have hemoglobin like us, some have different respiratory pigments, and some have no respiratory pigments at all. During menstruation, the body sheds tissue and blood from the uterus through the vagina. Women may also experience irregular periods after giving birth due to changes in hormone levels. Not all blood is red. Very interesting content. In the HSL color space #8a0303 has a hue of 0° (degrees), 96% saturation and 28% lightness. Thank you, Alicia. Biliverdin is a green pigment produced from the breakdown of hemoglobin. Red, right? Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on October 19, 2016: I'm glad that the article helped you, Charlie. Black Color Meaning. Thank you very much for the comment. Veins are usually colored blue in illustrations. In the green-blooded skink, the biliverdin in the blood reaches levels that would be toxic in other lizards or in humans. It helped us a lot in our science project. The color comes from dead white blood cells and other waste products. The color of a person’s period blood can relay vital health information. It is important for women who experience spotting or vaginal bleeding during pregnancy to speak to their doctor or obstetrician. Deep/Dark Red Period Blood. If there are bubbles in the blood, odds are high it is a lung hit. I'm glad the article was helpful. Diagnosis depends on the consistency, smell, and color of the discharge. Often seen at formal and prestigious events, this mysterious marvel arouses and seduces our senses with its elegance and sexiness. Can substances--such as medical treatments or injections--change the color of your blood? Methemoglobin has a chocolate-brown color. However, very heavy bleeding or large clots can be a sign of menorrhagia. It is a bold, energetic and lively color that can symbolize strength, confidence and power. Infections, pregnancy, and, in rare cases, cervical cancer, can cause unusual blood color or irregular bleeding. Members of the phylum Arthropoda and the phylum Mollusca have an open circulatory system. The deoxygenated hemoglobin is transported back to the lungs through the venules and the veins to pick up a fresh supply of oxygen. Hormonal changes and health conditions can also affect the color and texture of period blood. Triglycerides are a type of fat. The healthy human blood color is bright red. (Plasma is blood with the cells removed. Blood that has had time to oxidize appears darker. Hemocyanin is the respiratory pigment in molluscs (such as snails, slugs, clams, octopuses, and squids), and in some arthropods (such as crabs, lobsters, and spiders). A lot can change from month to month in your own cycle, especially (don’t be scared!) This is really interesting. The blood may also be left over from your last period. Oxygen is transported in the blood plasma of the animals. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on April 16, 2017: Thanks for the comment, Zachary. I am continually impressed by your articles. Thank you very much for the information.Apart from doing our project it helped me to know a lot more.THANX once again.....:). Without oxygen, the hemolymph is colourless. Thank you so much for sharing this! Oxygen dissolves better in cold water than warm water, though this property on its own is not sufficient to keep the fish alive. Black blood can appear at the beginning or end of a person’s period. In that case, a visit to your doctor may be a good idea. What Does Black Blood Mean? Like broccoli, the beet or beetroot is high in natural nitrates. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on December 04, 2012: Thank you very much for the lovely comment, Dianna! Could you give more information about spider blood? The rest of the time it moves through a body cavity called a hemocoel. Are these all known colours of blood or are there even more colours? Lochia is not a cause for concern and is the body’s way of expelling excess blood and tissue from the uterus. The blood also contains a very high concentration of biliverdin, however. Two of the chains are alpha ones and the other chains are beta ones. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency. Veins on the back of the hand show up more clearly as we age due to tissue loss and other changes. The caste system on Alternia is based on the color of an individual's blood. I appreciate your comment. Hi, Kristen. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. The coloring matter of blood (hemochrome) is largely due to the protein in the blood responsible for oxygen transport. THANKS....................... Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on April 09, 2014: Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on January 22, 2014: Thanks for the comment, luisj305. Red is a very emotionally intense color. Hemoglobin is a respiratory pigment. It’s sometimes (but not always) caused by liver problems. More than one factor can cause a particular change in blood. All animals have developed a method to transport oxygen, however. The color of blood is an interesting topic! Therefore the veins look blue to us. Sometimes, it can be an early indication of pregnancy…, Yellow discharge before a period can have a range of potential causes. A doctor must be consulted. Jarich at the English Language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 License. For example, orange or grey blood can sometimes indicate a vaginal infection. In a methemoglobin molecule, the iron has been changed from a form that has a +2 charge to a form that has a +3 charge. Blood that mixes with cervical fluid can also appear orange. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on July 18, 2015: Thank you for the visit and the thanks, MUKI. Meanings: Red has a number of different contextual associations and in branding can deliver a highly visible punch. What causes brown discharge before a period? Outside of science, however, it's often called blood. The color of power and sophistication. The copper is actually in the form of the copper (I) ion (one which has a +1 charge) when it isn’t bound to oxygen and the copper (II) ion (one which has a +2 charge) when it is bound to the oxygen. A hemocyanin molecule contains two copper atoms, which together bind to one oxygen molecule. The abnormal pigment is gradually eliminated as old red blood cells are broken down and new ones with new hemoglobin are made, provided the cause of the damaged pigment is removed. Is this true? The color of menstrual blood throughout your cycle can mean a variety of things. In Christianity, red wine is used during communion as a symbol for the shedding of Jesus’ blood. Icefish are the only vertebrates with colorless blood. (Red blood cells exist for only about 120 days.) Natural nitrates in foods can cause methemoglobinemia in babies if they are eaten in excess. Dark red or brown vaginal discharge that occurs after giving birth is called lochia, or postpartum bleeding. The implication is that the higher the oxygen in the blood, the more red it will appear. Other symptoms of a vaginal blockage can include: Like black blood, brown or dark red is a sign of old blood, and it may appear at the beginning or end of a period. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 18, 2013: Thank you very much for the comment, thebiologyofleah. In some countries, its name is spelled haemocyanin. Most forms of the disease can be treated successfully, often by methylene blue administration by a medical professional. The liquid is usually colorless. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The Recovery Room: Our best non-pandemic stories of 2020. Thanks for the comment. Thanks for the comment. I appreciate your visit a great deal. She often writes about the scientific basis of disease. While occasional changes in the menstrual cycle are not unusual, frequently experiencing two periods in a month may indicate an underlying medical…, © 2004-2021 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. And if so, what color? The blood (hemolymph) of some invertebrates contains hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin. While some consider this topic firmly in the too-much-information category, many women wonder about changes in period blood colors and texture. It is advisable for people to consult a doctor or gynecologist for any of the following symptoms: Anyone who is pregnant and notices any bleeding or unusual vaginal discharge should speak with their doctor or obstetrician. The blood of bulls generally has a higher concentration of red blood cells and hemoglobin than the blood of cows. There are between 4 and 5 million red blood cells in each cubic millimeter (or microliter) of an adult female's blood and between 5 and 6 million in the same volume of an adult male's blood. Here are four Blood colors decoded. Thank you very much for the visit and comment. However, hemocyanin contains copper instead of iron. Sumatriptan is sometimes known as Imitrex. Insects generally have colorless blood since they have no respiratory pigment. A very high triglyceride level can cause blood, plasma, or serum to have a milky appearance. In fact, some sinus infections may be viral, not bacterial. The alpha and beta chains have a different sequence of amino acids. Abnormally colored urine may be cloudy, dark, or blood-colored. I can't diagnose an individual's problem, since I'm not a doctor. The function of all blood is to transport vital substances around the body. Black is an incredibly strong and intimidating color that exudes authority and makes us feel secure and protected. allinonemovie, via pixabay, CC0 public domain license. The iron joins reversibly with oxygen. Blood-red definition, of the deep-red color of blood: a fiery, blood-red sunset. The CDC recommend seeing a doctor if a person has one of the following: The CDC also list the following as causes of menorrhagia: Without treatment, menorrhagia can lead to complications, such as anemia or chronic fatigue. People who experience unusually long or heavy periods may require an appointment with a doctor. The high concentration of methemoglobin causes the blood to appear red brown or even chocolate brown. Females that are producing eggs may have pale orange hemolymph, however. In this condition sulfur, has joined to the hemoglobin molecules, forming a green chemical called sulfhemoglobin. This causes the hemoglobin to become bright red in color. A period may start with bright red bleeding and darken towards the end of the period. The darker blood is usually closer to the heart, and travels through arteries. The hemolymph doesn't transport oxygen and therefore doesn't need respiratory pigments. The altered molecule can't transport oxygen. Having taught science, I knew most of this, but I'm willing to bet many who read this will find this to be new information that they were not aware of. These small pieces of tissue, or clots, in the blood are not a cause for concern. The heme groups are the pigmented portions of the hemoglobin molecule and contain iron. It's present in everyone's blood but is normally at a very low level. Blood that is not red may indicate a health problem. Bilirubin collects in the skin and the whites of the eyes, causing these areas to turn yellow. It will be interesting to see what future research reveals about respiratory pigments. It's nice to meet you! When the iron is in this form, hemoglobin can't transport oxygen and the cells can't make enough energy. Jaundice is a disorder that is also known as icterus. In addition, bilirubin collects in the urine during jaundice, causing the fluid to become dark. Question: What is the color of cow and bull blood? Anyone who notices that they or someone that they care for has an abnormal blood color should consult a doctor. Thank u very much for the information,without this what would have happened? Women who experience bleeding during pregnancy should see their doctor or obstetrician. Blood / #8a0303 Hex Color Code. Wat about white color in a human blood? Orange blood or discharge often indicates an infection, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on November 23, 2017: Hi, Missy. Changes in the color of your period blood usually mean that you are having a normal period. Some members of the phylum Annelida (segmented worms and leeches) contain a green respiratory pigment called chlorocruorin. Since your doctor took the blood sample, you should ask him or her about your son's blood colour. It can come in a rainbow of shades from pink … According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), menorrhagia is when a person has unusually heavy menstrual bleeding or periods that last for more than 7 days. The color is typically a sign of old blood or blood that has taken longer to leave the uterus and has had time to oxidize, first turning brown or dark red and then eventually becoming black. Question: I'm doing a poster on why humans have red blood and why spiders have blue blood. The capillaries release the oxygen to the tissue cells, which use it to produce energy. Two copper atoms in the hemocyanin join to one oxygen molecule. drbj and sherry from south Florida on December 02, 2012: So blood, Alicia, can be so many colors? Took my 14 year old son to Dr and his blood appeared to be like a deep chalky red what can this mean. To * 10. Usually the factors that determine the opacity and color of the blood include level of hydration, blood lipids, and hemolysis (if any). Sulfhemoglobinemia is usually caused by exposure to high doses of certain medications and chemicals. An Ob/Gyn offers a guide to what the different colors of period blood might mean, plus when to be concerned. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on December 02, 2012: Thanks, Deb. Black blood is something that carry a lot of significance. Healthy period blood can contain visible pieces of the uterine lining. This is very well done! I would be amazed if I were to ever bleed out green or some other color besides red. I would be amazed if I bled green blood, too! Talk to your healthcare provider if you have grayish or pink watery discharge, as this can be a sign of an infection or something more serious like cancer. Human blood is a beautiful red color, but the blood of some animals—and of humans under certain conditions—is a different color. Hormonal changes, as well as a person’s diet, lifestyle, age, and environment, can all cause variations in period blood. I appreciate your visit and comment! Other causes of pink period blood can include: During pregnancy, pink discharge that contains tissue and occurs alongside cramps may indicate a miscarriage. Women who experience very heavy bleeding after giving birth should see a doctor. When we look at the veins close to the surface of our body, such as those in our hands, they do appear to be blue in color. Richard Wheeler, via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0 License. However, everyone’s period is different, and blood can change color and consistency during a period and from month to month. Is golden colour blood in humans? I appreciate it. It is always nice to know something new. Blood that stays in the uterus long enough will react with oxygen (oxidize). It may…, A light period is when someone has less menstrual blood or a shorter period than usual. The color red also often represents bloodshed. The high concentration of the molecules gives the blood a red appearance. A robber crab has a molecule called hemocyanin in its blood. Question: The nurse taking my blood said that high triglycerides cause the blood to have a milky appearance and liver problems cause a yellow cast. The fish have a number of adaptations that allow them to live successfully in cold water. Read on, if you are confused about your blood reports. So why does it look blue when you see it through your skin? Oxygen is transported around an insect's body in a network of tubes known as the tracheal system. What causes white discharge before a period? Insects have colorless, pale yellow, or pale green blood. The deep color may merely mean that the blood has been in the uterus for a while but hasn’t oxidized yet. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure. Serum is plasma with clotting factors removed.) Susan Bailey from South Yorkshire, UK on May 05, 2013: Amazing hub. The doctor will be able to give you information about the condition of your son's blood. Light that hits the veins and their deoxygenated blood and then emerges to reach our eyes is more likely to be in the high-energy blue region of the spectrum than in the low-energy red region of the spectrum. The concentration of a yellow substance in the blood called bilirubin increases in jaundice. Human blood contains hemoglobin, which is a complex protein molecule in red blood cells. Summary: Red Color Meaning. I never realized that there could be more than one color to blood. What does the color of urine mean. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on May 05, 2013: Thank you, Sue!! It's composed of dead white blood cells, bacteria, other cell types, proteins, and fluid. Gray's Anatomy, via Wikimedia Commons, public domain image. Answer: Hemocyanin is an example of a metalloprotein (a protein that contains a metal). I have never read anything about the blood developing a yellow cast, however, despite its increased level of bilirubin. There are numerous blood test abbreviations, understanding of these abbreviations will help you ascertain what blood tests results mean, and help you collect a clear understanding of bloo… The oxygenated hemoglobin, or oxyhemoglobin, is transported from the lungs through the arteries, into the narrower arterioles, and then into the tiny capillaries. Vertebrates generally have red blood, but there are some exceptions. Who knew? The color is due to the presence of hemoglobin molecules in the red blood cells. Great. Blood is a dark red color, but various factors can affect if the blood is pink, brown, bright red, or black. Dark-colored blood, called venous blood, is dark because it has become deoxygenated after having traveled through the body before returning to the heart drained of oxygen. For example, a long-term overdose of sumatriptan, a migraine medication, reportedly caused one case of green blood discovered by doctors. A heme group is embedded in each chain, or subunit, of the molecule. Not all women experience lochia after giving birth. Some people may find that their blood stays bright red throughout their period. The blood may sometimes appear pale yellow, which is believed to be due to the presence of colored molecules from food. Rarely, bright red bleeding may be a sign of cervical cancer. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on January 15, 2018: Thank you very much for the kind comment, Alyssa. This makes the hemolymph look blue. RevolverOcelot, via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0 License. It's interesting to learn why different species of animals have different blood colors, and how we can use that to not only better understand life, but also work to improve quality of life. Over time, the discharge will then become lighter in both color and amount. For example, keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) has been found to stimulate the activity of our immune systems and is added to some vaccines for this reason. Answer: Cattle are mammals, like us, so they have red blood containing hemoglobin. Answer: Your nurse is correct with respect to the potential effect of high triglycerides in the blood, plasma, or serum. Period Blood Colors and Textures: What Do They Mean? You've probably hit the heart or lungs. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on January 21, 2017: Hi. These are all the colors that I know of, but there may be others too. What a fascinating topic, Alicia. When hemoglobin gives up its oxygen to the cells, it changes from bright red to a dark red or maroon color. I appreciate your comment, the vote and the share very much. Unlike methemoglobinemia, sulfhemoglobinemia can't be treated with a medication that returns the hemoglobin to normal. The vanadium is used to make proteins called vanabins, which become yellow when they're oxygenated. The fluid in the circulatory system is technically known as hemolymph. Methemoglobinemia is a disorder in which too much methemoglobin is made. Always find them so interesting and well written. Discolored urine is often caused by medications, certain foods or food dyes. Many factors can affect the flow of periods, including diet…. The duration of lochia varies from person to person, but it usually passes within the first few months after delivery. The iron reacts with oxygen, giving blood its red color. Well, oxygenated human blood has the healthy blood color of bright red due to the presence of hemoglobin, the respiratory pigment, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to the tissue cells. The different wavelengths are affected in different ways as they hit the skin and the cells under the surface layer of the skin. Other symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include: People with symptoms of bacterial vaginosis should see a doctor or gynecologist. Pus exuding from an open wound can be white, though. You may see dark red blood upon waking during your period or after you’ve been lying down for a while. Using hormonal birth control can lower estrogen levels in the body, which can lead to a lighter flow with a pinkish hue during periods. Perhaps this is what your nurse meant when he or she mentioned a yellow cast. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. In some cases, though, changes in urine color can be caused by specific health problems. Period blood can vary from bright red to dark brown according to changes in flow. The pigment is found in the liquid hemolymph instead of being trapped in cells. I love the way you present the most interesting information. It's blue on its dorsal (upper) surface and brown on its ventral one. Gray discharge is usually a sign of bacterial vaginosis, a condition that occurs due to an imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in the vagina. Simply put, the color red can’t be described in a word or two. The color of a person’s period blood can relay vital health information. One genus of skink (Prasinohaema) has green blood and is given the name green-blooded skink. Blood containing chlorocruorin may be green but isn't necessarily so. Blood in veins isn't blue, even though in illustrations of the circulatory system the veins are traditionally colored blue. You should ask your doctor whether this happens. One example related to your question is the use of methylene blue to remove excess methemoglobin from the blood. The pale colors which are sometimes seen in the liquid are thought to be due to the presence of pigmented food molecules that have entered the hemolymph. It's interesting that different species have developed different solutions to the problem of distributing oxygen throughout the body. Like other vertebrates, green-blooded skinks do have hemoglobin in their blood. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on September 28, 2016: Thank you, dhivya. Hemoglobin is located in the red blood cells of humans. In this article, we present a period blood chart and discuss what the different colors of period blood can mean. Confused about the blood test results and their meaning? Follow up immediately, but cautiously. A color change may be noticed in daily life or during menstruation. Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on November 16, 2017: I've never heard of white blood. Different groups of organisms use different proteins. Some precautions are needed in an interpretation of the colour change, however. Beet man, via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0 License. It embodies so many wonderful qualities, including love, kindness, and familiarity. Your period is something you can’t really ignore, so it’s only natural to wonder when it changes in some way, shape, or form. Aradia refers to Tavros and herself (the two being the lowest on the hemospectrum) as \"rust bloods,\" while Terezi, Vriska and Equius have all been referred to as \"blue bloods.\"\"Lowbloods\" is used to refer to the lower half of the spectrum, and \"highbloods\" is used to r… Urine color can be treated successfully, often by methylene blue administration by a medical professional fluid can also orange. More colours Amazing hub viral, not bacterial WA on December 02, 2012: is! From humans, oxygenated blood is bright red bleeding and darken towards the end of a person parent... 4 oxygen molecules at a very low level rhesus antigens on their surface some other color besides.! ) has green blood discovered by doctors disease can be caused by exposure high! 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