XLSX, XLSM, XLSB, XLS file in .NET The rich text content generated by the Trix editor is saved in its own RichText model that's associated with any existing Active Record model in … I was able to recreate this issue when the Record Source property of the report was a SQL command ("SELECT ..."). Unlike text files, RTF files offer some formatting features like bold, italic, underline, bullets, different fonts, and text justification.However, it does not provide all of the features found in a full word processor. Using HTML5 technology, the ads can include multiple levels of content in one placement: videos, games, tweets from an ad, etc. If you want to do more, you can insert images, create tables or create links to other pages or documents. 02/11/2010 - 05:15 PM - Adam: Another test notes added on 2nd November 02/11/2010 - 05:14 PM - Z_kas: Test Notes. The issue: Unable to change the Text Format property of a text box to Rich Text: . A rich text field in SharePoint is a special instance of the multi-line column type which contains formatting attributes. format_bold format_italic format_underlined code looks_one looks_two format_quote format_list_numbered format_list_bulleted This is editable rich text, much better than a